American Education Institute − Online-Schulungen und -Analysen

In 30 Kursen, mit insgesamt 38 Stunden Lehreinheiten, werden Ihnen auf Englisch Themen zu Child Safety, Early Child Development, Teaching, Communication und mehr vermittelt. Jede Kurseinheit schließt mit einem Test ab. Sie können die Kurse mehrfach ansehen oder auch zurückgehen, falls Sie etwas nicht verstanden haben.Das Professional Child Care Education Training ist eine ausgezeichnete Möglichkeit, um das soziale Fachenglisch zu erweitern und sich zu Themen wie “Early Childhood Development“, Safety oder Communication with Parents weiterzubilden. Für den Kurs bekommen Sie zudem ein anerkanntes Zertifikat, welches Sie Ihrer Bewerbung beilegen können.

Die Kursgebühren betragen 645 Euro.
(Die Kursgebühren können auf alle apex Auslandsweiterbildungsprogramme angerechnet werden.)

Education Paket

Professional Childcare Education ProgramColorCode FULL ANALYSIS Personality TestJetzt kaufen

Training Schedule

No. CEU Child DevelopmentChild Development Child DevelopmentChild Development Child Development under twoChild Development under two Child Safety InstructionsChild Safety Instructions Child Safety Instructions infant-relatedChild Safety Instructions infant-related
01 401 CCP: Child Self-Esteem write value (.1 CEU/1 Hour) 1 1
02 403 CCP: Conflict Management for Children (.1 CEU/1 Hour) 1 1
03 101 CCP: Discovery of Math (.1 CEU/1 Hour) 1 1
04 102 CCP: Early Literacy (.1 CEU/1 Hour) 1 1
05 103 CCP: Equipment, Activities, and Strategies
for Promoting Physical Activity
(.1 CEU/1 Hour)
1 1
06 814 CCP: First Aid: Guidelines and Precautions (.2 CEU/2 Hours) 1 1
07 815 CCP: First Aid: Physical Injuries and Emergencies (.2 CEU/2 Hours) 2 2 1
08 816 CCP: First Aid: Physiological Incidents and Emergencies (.2 CEU/2 Hours) 2 2
09 404 CCP: Guidance and Discipline (.2 CEU/2 Hours) 2 2
10 805 CCP: Infant and Toddler: Health and Safety (.2 CEU/2 Hours) 2 2
11 701 CCP: Language Development (.2 CEU/2 Hours) 2 2
12 105 CCP: Methods for Enhancing Intellectual Development (.2 CEU/2 Hours) 2 2
13 106 CCP: Physical Activity (.1 CEU/1 Hour) 1 1
14 406 CCP: Praise and Rewards (.1 CEU/1 Hour) 1 1
15 809 CCP: Safety (.2 CEU/2 Hours) 2 1 1
16 812 CCP: Shaken Baby Syndrome and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (.1 CEU/1 Hour) 1 1
17 702 CCP: Stages of Cognitive Development in Infants (.1 CEU/1 Hour) 1 1
18 703 CCP: Stages of Cognitive Development in Preschoolers (.1 CEU/1 Hour) 1 1
19 704 CCP: Stages of Cognitive Development in Toddlers (.1 CEU/1 Hour) 1 1
20 705 CCP: Stages of Physical Growth and Development in Infants (.1 CEU/1 Hour) 1 1
21 706 CCP: Stages of Physical Growth and Development in Preschoolers (.1 CEU/1 Hour) 1 1
22 707 CCP: Stages of Physical Growth and Development in Toddlers (.1 CEU/1 Hour) 1 1
23 708 CCP: Stages of Social and Emotional Development in Infants (.1 CEU/1 Hour) 1 1
24 709 CCP: Stages of Social and Emotional Development in Preschoolers (.1 CEU/1 Hour) 1 1
25 710 CCP: Stages of Social and Emotional
Development in Toddlers
(.1 CEU/1 Hour)
1 1
26 408 CCP: Stranger and Separation Anxiety (.1 CEU/1 Hour) 1 1
27 109 CCP: Using the Arts as a Teaching Tool (.1 CEU/1 Hour) 1 1
Total Hours: 34 18 6 6 5
Minimum hourly requirements for J-1 VISA Program regulations by U.S. Department of State 32 4 4 4
Additional Training Classes
28 Cross-Cultural Communications(.2 CEU/2 Hours) 2
29 Overcoming Difficulties in Communicating with Parents(.1 CEU/1 Hour) 1
30 Working and Communicating with Families(.1 CEU/1 Hour) 1
Total Hours: 4
30 courses − Total Hours 38


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